Done with OL’s? Don’t waste your precious time! Find your Passion and fulfill your dreams!

With the end of the G.C.E ordinary level exams, students around the country receive a four month break before resuming studies for their advanced level exam. Some students flow along with emerging trends by immediately starting a degree program, while the more traditional lot await their results and simply do nothing during these precious few months. The following are a few tips to be considered on how to spend your post O’ Level break effectively.

Find your Passion

“Time is as precious as gold” is a very revered old saying. Within these four months, you can either slack off and do nothing, or can make maximum use of the given time. Its best to see this period of time as an opportunity to identify or recognize your talents and capabilities, and focus on improving them as much as you can. Certain students who are very much focused and academically sound prefer to obtain professional educational qualifications to further their academic achievements and focus on their careers while there are other students who follow suit to do the same without any drive or passion. Our advice is that each student identify something they are passionate about – be it academics, sports, drama, music or even public speaking, and then look for qualifications and institutes that help to further this passion. The guidance of parents is of utmost importance at this stage. Rather than simply pushing a student to pursue a professional or academic qualification that he has no interest in its much advisable identify something that the student would enjoy and enrol him in a program that would help to maximise that talent. Not only will they perform well and make good use of their time, but they will also gain something very valuable in paving the way for their future.


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